First Singaporean Footballer Is Train To Study at Laliga Academy in Madrid, Spain

Singapore now has a representative in the La Liga Academy in Madrid in the form of fourteen-year old football player, Denzel Ari Thrumurgan. Thrumurgan will be the first Singaporean to train at the prestigious sports academy. 

First Singaporean player in La Liga Academy

According to the Spanish domestic league on August 24, Denzel will be a member of the first batch that are set to enroll in the ESC Madrid Sports and the football education school in the following month. 

Denzel started to play football when he was a five-year-old kid. Now that he is a teenager, it was his dream to play professionally and represent Singapore in the European leagues like playing in the english premier league fixtures 2022

According to the professional football player, it was a huge honor to be the first Singaporean student that was given a chance to become accepted in the La Liga Academy at ESC Madrid. He did not know that such an opportunity would come his way.

He also mentioned that he will not waste this opportunity and will do all of his best to keep his body fit, improve his skills, and develop his own technique. 

The Singaporean player also said that he was looking forward to training in the La Liga Academy where he was given a privilege to be trained by the best coaches in the country and study alongside fellow players from various countries. 

Finally, Thrumurgan mentioned that his family is his great inspiration for this decision and he will be forever grateful for all their sacrifices and support to grab this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

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La Liga Singapore celebrating its five years of excellence

La Liga Singapore, the subsidiary of the Spanish domestic league, had a blast with its celebration of its fifth anniversary. Among the activities in the event are a few community and fan engagement that highlights the success of the subsidiary of the Spanish domestic league in Singapore.

The season is set to commence in October and will end in June the following year; it will occur alongside the 2022/23 season of the La Liga Santander. 

Among the highlights of the event is the organized live streaming of the “El Clasico” match between the sworn enemies Barcelona and Real Madrid on October 16. The game is set to occur in a schedule that is favorable among Asian fans of the La Liga. According to La Liga Singapore, it is a perfect chance for local supporters to engage to watch the football event.

Additionally, the La Liga Day Camp is also an event that amateur football fans can look forward to. It is a perfect opportunity for the fans to be teached by the La Liga coaches that are residing in Singapore. La Liga Singapore also collaborated with several local associates to run events such as football camps. 

A growing influence of La Liga in Asia

According to Ivan Codina, the managing director of the Asian subsidiary of La Liga, the Spanish top-flight is eager to spread the excellence of the company by creating a safe space for footballers around the world. One of the projects that closely expresses that vision is the Unleash The Roar Project in which La Liga is the main sponsor.

He also stated that being a partner in the aforementioned project perfectly manifests the ambition of La Liga to realize the footballing ambitions of Singaporean athletes. They also believed that Singaporean youths possess a huge potential to go big in the world with proper guidance and training.

Codina also mentioned that the fifth anniversary of La Liga Singapore is the beginning of a much wider influence of the La Liga brand of coaching in Singapore and hopefully in the whole Asian continent. 

Felix Wells

Felix is an experienced wordsmith who has been working in the industry since 2016. Ever since his first venture in the school publication back in middle school, he has been an outstanding contributor of informational and entertaining content. As the head content writer at CasinoSingapore, he ensures that every minute is going to be worth your while.